
Was Thoth a Goddess

Relationship showing the connection between the Goddess Semele and Thoth

Was Thoth a Goddess?

Symbolically the cobra’s venom is cognate with ejaculation. Its seed is described in apocryphal and occult literature as noxious, and is a wordplay conveyed from the Arabic into Latin. The Arabic word ‘samm’ (poison) is analogous in the Latin language to the stem ‘sem’ (semen) denoting, (a seed, germ seedling, offspring or race). Additionally ‘sem’ parallels the Latin prefix ‘semi’ (half) connoting genetic reproduction e.g. ‘similis’ (resembling or alike). In Greek tradition the poisonous seed of the reptile is paired with ‘sema’ (a sign) a word closely related to ‘Semele’ (the Goddess of the moon) represented esoterically as ‘simiae’ (an ape). Relationship between the Latin word ‘Semele’ and ‘simiae’ suggests the Roman Goddess is a variation of the Egyptian God Thoth represented as a baboon.

Religiously the baboon’s grimace is likened to a smiling angel equated with fertility rites theoretical to the reaper. Additionally when aroused the baboon barks like a ‘canine’ correlated esoterically with the ‘Dog star’ Arabic (Al Kalb). An insignia of female reproduction the baboon is cognate with fertility rites. Identified with the cycle of the moon and menstruation the primate’s lower anatomy is red and engorged when receptive to a male).

The fact that Semele in the Latin is a cognate of the ape suggests that the mother Goddess originally was worshipped as an ape personified as a type of oracle (talker). Semele’s connection to the ape is important as it suggests Semele is the same God as Thoth a deity of the moon depicted originally as a menstruating baboon. Further the analogy between Semele and the ape demonstrates that Thoth originally was considered to be a Goddess or linked to Goddess worship. In addition the orgiastic rites of the Theban priesthood are shown to interconnect with the cults of Semele and Dionysus (Bacchus) aligned to the Dog Star a signifier of the baboon.

Authors Note on the Goddess Semele
Semele’s union with the God Zeus produced Dionysus a fertility God identified in the Greek mysteries with Bacchus. Classical writers, including the Roman scholar Pliny, document ‘Bacchus’ as the ‘sovereign of Thebes’ the capital of Upper Egypt a location attributed with Thoth and the ‘anguigena’ (a Theban literally the progeny of the dragon).

For further information please refer to my book Codex and Riddles out at the end of 2011